WOS Publisher Details

The Silly Things that Are Due Matter

Tags POD, WOS, WoSaM, release date

We committed to an official publication release date of August 15, 2023 for the thriller Weight of Space.
Maybe we will manage to get the book pre-orders available in June but mid-July seems much more likely.
Some agency particulars are beyond our control.

What fun.
All the print costs across the Print on Demand space all changed in the last six months.
Most of the competitors upgraded in some way their website interfaces too.

I grind though my Santa’s Checklist of too many detailed publication things to do. Seems like the list has stopped growing quite so fast. I must be missing something.

The publication biz reminds me a bit of the construction industry with many trades and skills that are way too easy to miss from the outside looking in. No mystery there.

Buildings and roadways are much more complex than books. Why there are real trades in both industries makes a lot more sense to me in May than it did back in January. I thought I understood what was going on back then. Eheh. Do we ask the right questions? Nah.

Meanwhile I am performing the mandatory reps to repeat successfully all the multiple processes to get all the versions of the book and covers out the door with a reasonable level of quality control. Let me count the PDFs.

Oh goody, goody. Yet one more form of cover.

Yes. We updated a lot of the copy on the website this month in a vain attempt to keep all the words in synch.

If I must watch another YouTube video delivered by a concerned and helpful woman in the publication space, I may just puke.

Can you hear me laughing at myself.
God knows.
I’ve been doing the same talk to the wall video thing myself for well over a decade.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for all your useful and helpful support.