Weight of Space Cover Reveal

Do I Need a Cover Song Too?

Tags WOS, Book cover

Over the last month or so we’ve motored through a few prototype versions of the front book cover for the techno thriller novel Weight of Space. The final front cover went live today here on the site.

The official publication date for the Weight of Space is Aug 15, 2023.

I hope that pre-orders will be available for the paperback in mid-July. Stay tuned.

Weight of Space First Book Cover

Hope you all like the sort of early 60’s retro graphics feel of the cover. One hopes the bold cartoon and comic book colors play well on Amazon site and on the bookshelves of book sellers everywhere.

As a toddler who grew up in one of those wonderful bookish places, I think I’d want to pull this  one down.

“Bless His Little Heart.”

Couldn’t resist the use of a souped-up version of the famous NASA Comet Tempel 1 Impactor mission photo. Other versions of the pic are also employed elsewhere on wosam dot com site. Imagine that. Why? The photo and mission triggered my first glimmers of the BIG idea behind the WOS.

I now recognize that I got to get with the modern book publishing program. Build my novel book covers before there’s a book to be had. Eheh.

Maybe it’s a low content book publication thang.

Note to self.
Slap yourself upside the head and repeat and bleat, “Words per day, Sucker.”

I promise to try and do better with the cover for 2 AU novel.
Not sure what to do about that really, really short book title.
One number and two letters - A whopping 3 whole characters.

Maybe we employ a big red arrow in a blue-black monster-skin sky with that big yellow school bus yellow border all around.

Naw. Sounds too much like a speech from the VP Cackle. Forgive me.